Saturday, December 16, 2006

Let me introduce my galiant protector, my armed monster, my ferocious, trained drool shooter. (:P)

Breed: Doberman
Please note: Looks are deceptive cos he's one sweet dog!
Licks almost too much and leaves me messy and grumpy! ha ha.
Weakness: Food and me :) and dad and bro and sis and mum.
He's one spoilt dog :) pampered all his life! By that i dont mean that he weras a cute dress or has a diamond collar but yea, he's loved a lot.

Most affectionately called: Chooey
Loves: To moan and make a fuss and get attention
Hates: Even an ant that comes in our way. He'll even bark at an insect miles away!! Posted by Picasa


Dinesh Krishnaswamy said...

Ah, no. Dogs scare the shit outta me:))
He is called "Rocky"?
Boxing champion eh?

gravity said...

seriously? love em. Well, he'll knock you down. Boxing champ i suppose!

Dinesh Krishnaswamy said...

I suppose he will. But I sniff dogs better than they sniff me:)
My range: 200mts
Any dog in that circumference & I will be doing my superman thing:))

Dinesh Krishnaswamy said...

diameter rather:))

kK. said...

does your dog also have a strange attraction toward horses ?
then again, i guess that's just my dog's 'thing'.

Dinesh Krishnaswamy said...

haha. your dog must be, "one horny SOB". really amazing.....
But how can you tell that?

kK. said...

i assume the previous comment is targeted at me, hence :

Its kind of easy to notice when your dog starts yanking you toward something while on a walk. Especially if the yanking is so hard that you barely stay on your feet. More so, if the general direction of the yanking is toward a something big and neighs.

Dinesh Krishnaswamy said...

haha. "Dogs must be crazy".

gravity said...

well.. i dont think dog has SEEN a horse! ha ha.. well horses are nice. Very graceful and expressive. Talking bout horses, i love the movie spirit and the horse whisperer. Although my dog may not like them, i absolutely do. Would love to have a horse one day!

gravity said...

*i dont think "my" dog has SEEN...

Dinesh Krishnaswamy said...

you people are really crazy bout animals. horses are somewat better compared to dogs...they dont bite you see...
To me, the best pet a man can have---- fish(dont own one cos i am too lazy to clean the tank):))

P.S. cats scare me with their sharp nails too....(cant think of any other pet...wait....pig...i dont wnt to speak bout them:))

gravity said...

They're such expressive animals. Horses are even better. I dont like cats either. Scary according to me too!

kK. said...

i hate pigs. (mostly because they have the longest orgasm in the animal kingdom - 30 minutes. bloody insane). So,i eat them. MMMmmm... pepperoni....

i prefer fish fried with pickled onions on the side. however, i do like jaws-type fish. Mostly because THEY might prefer ME fried with pickled onions on the side

All women go crazy over horses. What's with that? yeah, they look all elegant... yeah, they can run at 50+ kph... and yeah they are the basis of comparison for the size of male genitalia.... but they dont even have opposable thumbs...

And I still don't understand. why pigs? what was god thinking?

gravity said...

informative! :P and yea i guess the affinity towards horses.. its "a girl thing".We like energy and grace. But pigs..they make a good meal. Thats about it.They dont even look good! And to think some people have pigs as pets!! and they even breed pigs!

Dinesh Krishnaswamy said...

u know something. pigs look very preety when they are young...even prettier than ur dogs.
"What was god thinking?"
God is a humanitarian u see. he gives us food and we waste them. he created a device which could recycle our left-overs so we can eat them again. and that device is called a pig.
Pigs eat our left-overs(recycling process) and we shamelessly eat them again.
other activities of pigs- sleep and breed.(thats all they, sleep & breed)

Dinesh Krishnaswamy said...

Do you think all girls like horses?
I know gravity does, but do u think all girls do?
I am the last person to know anything bout girls but I do know that likings vary from individual to individual.
as gravity has already confessed,
"Variety is the spice of life. And i like it. Keeps me sane."
Likes and dislikes has nothing to do with gender.
You like something because you are that sort of a person.

gravity said...


1. Tell me why guys have a facination towards fast cars

2. Bikes

3. Anything mechanical or hi-fi..the so called "boys'toys"

4.Pamela Anderson!

It's like in the books of our body! the x-factor

Its facinating really.. how guys and girls see things differently. Intriguing.

kK. said...

Actually. i know guys who hate cars, bikes, driving fast, gizmos, pamela anderson, even pamela anderson's assets.

ummm.... wait... I know PERSONS who who hate cars, bikes, driving fast, gizmos, pamela anderson, even pamela anderson's assets.


gravity said...

Thats what i wanted to hear. I know girls who hate horses. Perception is in the mind. Not in the sex

kK. said...

you make me seem awfully guilty of chauvinism.

gravity said...

no worries. It's a common thought among people. you're not the only one! You have a right to have your own opinion. Which is valued these days amidst the ubiquitous herd mentality dominant in India. If someone says this is cool or that is right, the whole fan club supports the leader. Thats what we see in politics these days.. People need to voice their opinions without the fear of being mocked at for chossing to differ