Sunday, December 17, 2006

I am Thine Oh Lord

From ages of old, He has loved me.
Who am I to question His wisdom?
Who am I to question my purpose?
Who am I to question God's plan?
Who am I Lord. Who am i?

With every new life that blesses the Earth,
Angels dance with joy in Heaven, i know.
Lord, how much more would they have danced
When the heard that you were born into this world?
Oh, i can hear the music, it's ringing in my heart.
Lord, every inch of my body, knows that you are Lord.
Lord, everything that i have is because of You.
Lord, humble me.
What the world has to give, does not bring me joy,
But a second in Your presence is like a million treasures won.
A million lamps lit is nothing compared
To the light that shines within me.
The light that saved me.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

May your Christmas be filled with joy and thankfullness.
God bless.

(Just made this in paint :)) Posted by Picasa
Let me introduce my galiant protector, my armed monster, my ferocious, trained drool shooter. (:P)

Breed: Doberman
Please note: Looks are deceptive cos he's one sweet dog!
Licks almost too much and leaves me messy and grumpy! ha ha.
Weakness: Food and me :) and dad and bro and sis and mum.
He's one spoilt dog :) pampered all his life! By that i dont mean that he weras a cute dress or has a diamond collar but yea, he's loved a lot.

Most affectionately called: Chooey
Loves: To moan and make a fuss and get attention
Hates: Even an ant that comes in our way. He'll even bark at an insect miles away!! Posted by Picasa

Lemony loo

Ah yes. I needed some colour out here! And i wanted to go all the way and get lemony :) . An inspiration from a friend. Someone who we lovingly call "chechi", "chena", "aunty".

Makes me think about college and all the fun times we have. Despite the tremendous amount of preparation that our most endearing SS sir puts into his classes, well there has to be someone who cracks us up every time. Yes, you sir.

The day is droning and sandheep's in his 13th dream.
I cant supress my laughter at the sight of him in pensive thought.
Saranya's falling on her desk next to me.
I'm looking at the board, with other things in mind.
"Chena" hears "back track" as "back scratch". God bless.

Lo and Behold... the moment arises.
Mr SS sir says, "Students, do you know how to find the 1's compliment of the 1's compliment sum of a set of numbers?"
Like we could care less.

But no.. he has to awaken us!!
"Looks like all of you 'll are sleeping!"
Well surprise surprise!

So he writes on the board,
"Once compliment of the Once compliment sum of.."

Ah, yes. We're awake all right!
I'm trying hard not to make funny noises while laughing while mirudhula almost dies with laughter.
The last row cant control either. HELP!
You know it's rude to laugh AT SOMEONE'S FACE!!!
Man... And the Guy didnt even stop us!! Just looked at us! And we looked back.
And yes, Sandheep woke up.

Turns out that day evening he told our rep that girls and guys shouldnt sit together. Like that had anything to do with it.

And the man finally got it! God bless!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Firangi craze-- a whacky point of view (a shot at dramatisation)

why the "firangi"craze?
I've always wanted to wear a long and elegent dress that flows down to your toes and narrates a story of its own with its lush colour and intriguing cut.You know, with the low back,low neck, low everything! Well tough luck!! ha ha.. You are indeed the nice, decent, well bred, religious Indian girl! Imagine the culture shock and the rift it might cause! A catastrophy of sorts! Good Lord! Ah well, there's always the mini skirt and the unbelievably short non-shirt. "WHAT??? Are you crazy?? Are you out of your mind? Do you have some sense??" is what i'll probably hear. Well, everyone is crazy in some whacky way. It's only how one perceives it. It's standard procedure in India to break the rules, so why the sudden mindset of scrutinizing a woman's clothing? I mean, does the world's existence depend on it? I think not.
In denfence of the 1 billion Indians (minus the whacky Indian girls)--Why the sudden infactuation with firangi style and fashion? A girl in a village in India with a "crazy" idea of style will indeed have to face the music from her parents after she's been humiliated by being gaped at by a bunch of jobless mongers with no apparent sense of decency. But you know what, if i wore a sari in another part of the world, where they have'nt had one glimpse of Indian clothing, i'd probably be stared at for quite some time too!
The sari is actally a very sensuous piece of garment. In certain places its outrageous for a woman to "expose" her mid-section. Um.. why is that? So.... what they're saying is that, their great great great great(and a lot more greats) grandmother, the first woman on earth was the most indecent and vulgar woman on earth. WOW.Now that is silly.
Maybe we're just tagging it.. "The firagi craze"I mean, anything new is exciting and hence the sudden craze. In a country like India, its bound to spread like wildfire. What's the crime in being adventureous and trying out a new thing or two?
I think restriction creates a spirit in you that makes you crave for something more. I mean, take a bollywood film. Guy meets girl, they fall in love, bla bla end of story. The much awaited kiss is left to our imagination. Because,its an outrage in India.Hush. No talking about love and mushy stuff. Why the restriction? Seems to me, the whole of India is love crazy because of the restriction. hmmm. Quite a thought. As for me, i remain the nice, decent, well bred, religious Indian girl. There are more important things on earth to fight over.