Saturday, December 16, 2006

Lemony loo

Ah yes. I needed some colour out here! And i wanted to go all the way and get lemony :) . An inspiration from a friend. Someone who we lovingly call "chechi", "chena", "aunty".

Makes me think about college and all the fun times we have. Despite the tremendous amount of preparation that our most endearing SS sir puts into his classes, well there has to be someone who cracks us up every time. Yes, you sir.

The day is droning and sandheep's in his 13th dream.
I cant supress my laughter at the sight of him in pensive thought.
Saranya's falling on her desk next to me.
I'm looking at the board, with other things in mind.
"Chena" hears "back track" as "back scratch". God bless.

Lo and Behold... the moment arises.
Mr SS sir says, "Students, do you know how to find the 1's compliment of the 1's compliment sum of a set of numbers?"
Like we could care less.

But no.. he has to awaken us!!
"Looks like all of you 'll are sleeping!"
Well surprise surprise!

So he writes on the board,
"Once compliment of the Once compliment sum of.."

Ah, yes. We're awake all right!
I'm trying hard not to make funny noises while laughing while mirudhula almost dies with laughter.
The last row cant control either. HELP!
You know it's rude to laugh AT SOMEONE'S FACE!!!
Man... And the Guy didnt even stop us!! Just looked at us! And we looked back.
And yes, Sandheep woke up.

Turns out that day evening he told our rep that girls and guys shouldnt sit together. Like that had anything to do with it.

And the man finally got it! God bless!


Ryan said...

ha ha.....such teachers should be held with respect

gravity said...

cant blame him actually.. the guy tries his best. Its just that he's so comical! ah well, we all need to laugh once in a while! ;) serves the purpose well!