Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Divided thoughts..

At first i laughed at the sarcasm portrayed,
Later, at my casual acceptance of the matter i was ashamed,
Now i realise i'm not the one who's dismayed...
Who is?

Mind of an anti-reservationist-->

Why God,are we divided when we are born?
Why God, are some looked upon with scorn?

At 3, i never cared whether my friends were OBC
With open arms i would have let them come to me.

At 18, i still feel the same..
Still there seems to be a nagging pain.
With my future on the line,
How can i not stand for what's mine?
I mean,i worked for it,i made everyone proud..
But yet,i did not make it through the crowd.
I've tagged myself as a failure
I'm lost in insecurity,depression and fear.
I thought i could make it big one day,
Now all my hopes are washed away..
After my breakdown,will there be a seat reserved for me?
For the mentally unstable,physically unwell & ill emotionally?
I'm so confused & i dont have the strength to fight,
Let the government do whatever they might!
Afterall someone loses out and it might as well be me,
I'm thinking-maybe this was'nt meant to be.
I know that i've had the best education i can ever get,
I know someone else's dreams of studying are now being met.
I'll move on,having faith in my education,
I' ll learn a new task without trepidation.
All i want to say is that all this concern for the OBC
is just making it convenient for them,according to me.
I can see that my loss is someone else's gain,
I guess i'll just become stronger after all the pain
I pray that God guides me through..
One day i'll rise up and be among you..

Mind of a pro-reservationist--

At 3,i was an OBC
At 18, i still am completely
I never had the platform to shine
How can i achieve something that was'nt regarded mine?
I am tagged from day 1
Limited for no reason under the sun..
I cant believe that it has to end this way,
For some-so that i can make my day.
You have no idea how much hope you've instilled in me.
I can even see myself earning for my family..
Although i feel that stealing your dream is a crime,
I'm not going to waste a second of my time.
I promise that i 'll work harder than you ever did,
I promise to educate every OBC kid
I will make sure that my caste is not an excuse
For my kids to take advantage of, and misuse.
I know
it must have been very tough for you,
I respect your anger,i really do.
I hope we will get this resolved one day,
For that to happen all i can say
Is that you have given me a future,a life, a dream..
Both of us together can make a good team.

Everyone needs a helping hand,
Something i have learnt to understand.

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