Thursday, July 12, 2007


"As Water reflects a face,
So a man's heart relects the man"

-From the book of Proverbs (Bible)

Over the past two years, i learnt a lesson.
Sometimes its better to keep quiet and back off. I can say i was ignorant. I can say that i was blinded by the protection of my family and school friends. I thought the world was all sugar and spice and everything nice. Sad. Yes, i now had to face the rest of the world and i found that it was not a pretty picture. I'm writing this because i was pleasantly surprised by the fact that i was challenged by people to think like them. What i thought about life was not what they thought. I fought hard and i still think i'm on the right side. It's difficult to see people drift away. Words cannot express the hurt inside. Doubts keep flying in my mind, refusing to listen to my heart. How can a person just drift away? I don't get it. Not a word needs to be said. We both know it. Invisible signals pass between our hearts. I have found my real friends. You have found yours. Not a word needs to be said.

Dear snow, does it hurt when you melt away?
Dear grass, does it hurt when you whither away?

Why am i hurt by you drifting away? Why am i shocked by change? Why do people change?
My mind is exploding with things to say but not a word needs to be said. Silence speaks a million words.


Dinesh Krishnaswamy said...

difference in opinions eh?

P.S. is this supposed to be a poem?;)

gravity said...

Nope.. not a poem

Dinesh Krishnaswamy said...

I am not that dumb:)
i meant it was poetic in some parts.

Really good writing.

Ryan said...

yep sad it is to find out that the ORIGINAL you is sometimes unacceptable in this world. ... I believe it is times like these that bring out such posts...

Words cannot express the hurt inside..yes...but a comforting word and a supporting shoulder can always relieve it...

good post...welcome bak!!

Ryan said...

How about a birthday post??? :D

dissociatedprenihilist said...

u mean this event, whatever event u had in mind while writng this served to b your mental growth hormone one way???

great writing....hats off

Dinesh Krishnaswamy said...

"u mean this event, whatever event u had in mind while writng this served to b your mental growth hormone one way???"

can someone decipher that?
mental growth hormone? what in the devil's world does that mean? I know my English is not up to the scratch, but this would be an insult to some 15 years of education if i couldn't understand that.

gravity said...

P.S. Try not to be offensive!!!!

thanks! :D