Monday, February 05, 2007


So yea, this is my first tag. And yea i'm looking forward to kicking someone most dearly for tagging me.

10 things that define my style:

Ahem. Not the right thing to write about ever since i stepped foot into my most "loving" college. The home away from home.The land of bliss.The place of fun and excitement. NOT : ha ha

1) I'm usually in my kurta and jeans ragged at the end (with duppatta of course.. dont want to kill the lame ass people at psg)

2) Cant live without my music. So i'm either singing, or blasting music at home or "trying" to play my guitar. You'll find me in class with my prized music book. It's got all the music i love.Lyrics, chords etc. Used to carry my ipod until it conked for some apparent reason!

3) I dont wear make up at all. I like it natural :) I do something to my face only when forced to or when extremely "necessary"(read weddings)
In school, the makeup person used to make me look like a ghost for the play. yuck.What was more irritating was that there was this hot guy getting his makeup done (yea..guys got to look like ghosts too :D ) and i looked like i'd woken up from my grave.. ha ha memories.

4)I carry my pen drive everywhere with me

5)I carry my small leather ,thin,long- strapped purse with me with my phone.

6)I love my shoes. I love my sexy high heels. :P My Flats. My jhoota type shoes and sports shoes too when i play.
In my first semester at college in physics lab, One of my sirs called me and asked me to come to his table.For a moment i freaked. Shit. what did i do now?? Did i laugh too loud??(yes, apparently, you get kicked out of the lab for laughing! ) Did i break something accidently??

But no...................................................................................................................................................

The crime:
The insanity of wearing high heels to college!
Good Lord.Forgive me sire ! :P
And i had to listen to him lecture about something he read in this magazine and that magazine about it having ADVERSE effects and bla bla..

We called him "HIS ROYAL NOSINESS". Well he royally earned that title! :)

7) I write poetry when i get the rush. So i grab a pen and any piece of paper around. Dont know if thats any kind of style but anyway!!Surprisingly, i dont have a book of poetry where i write everything. I had one but apparently i lost it. Not exactly an organised person. :)

8) I feel so much less like a girl now. ha ha. And the fact that i have no craze for nail polish or shaping my nails just proves it! I prefer them short and neat. NO PINK or cute designs on my nails. Used to paint them blue,shock white,lilac,coffee brown and gray. Always wanted to paint them black ha ha :) but mum gave me this look of disapproval :P and i threw away that idea.

9) I sketch. Supposedly. I do like to paint the colours of the sunset.I love everything about nature, like to keep it clean, like to take in the silence of a moment, love the rain falling on me,love thinking about it.Love the clouds in every hew.

10)My room has an avril poster(back when she was this new gal rock sensation), 2 egyptian themed wall hangings (a sphinx with pyramids in the background and a pharoah ), A picture of Jesus, an "I love you " wall hanging, a pile of books, pics of school memories, some of my artistic things on the wall (posters, painting bla bla..) ,my guitar, my fav spot---my bed.Not to forget my desk and my cupboard where all my clothes are shoved in. :P

Phew finally. Now i look like a complete non-stylish person. H aha ha. But yea, that's me.